Mission, Vision and Objectives


The leading academic information resource center in the province of Capiz addressing the information needs of clientele through the provision of effective and efficient access to quality library services and resources.


The CapSU Library is committed to provide a wide range of relevant library services and resources in support to the quadro-dimensional functions of the university.


          • To select and acquire print and non-print library materials to support the quadro-dimensional functions of the university in instruction, research, extension and production;

          • To organize library materials and make them available and accessible to all clients;

          • To maintain, enrich and preserve library materials;

          • To serve as custodian of Capiznon and Panayana literature, thereby helping preserve the local heritage, culture and arts;

          • To provide a space where students and academicians can freely exchange information, thereby facilitating in knowledge sharing and intellectual discussions.

          • To develop the library users the skills of resourcefulness in their use of library materials; encourage the habit habit of personal investigation and love for books;

          • To serve other information needs of the university populace as well as of the community; and

          • To establish linkages locally, nationally and globally.